Affordable breast surgery abroad bypassing waiting list

Affordable breast surgery in private clinic abroad bypassing NHS waiting list. Is NHS paying for surgery abroad? We will provide answers to these questions in our article. If you are looking for breast surgery you must know that not all women require implants to look great, some simply want to regain shape after breastfeeding or when gravity has taken its toll. There are a number of ways that you can regain confidence or achieve greater satisfaction through having breast operation.

Affordable breast augmentation surgery abroad

Breast Reduction Abroad Avoiding NHS Waiting Times

Enhancing or enlarging the size and shape of women’s breasts using round or anatomical textured mentor implants. Breasts that can defy the laws of gravity and keep their fullness regardless of age aren’t always sustainable or even achievable for some especially, after weight loss, childbirth or breastfeeding; the breasts are a part of woman’s body that suffers the most. Also, women, whose breasts do not develop fully or at all, can feel self-conscious or incomplete. Modern plastic surgery medicine provides the solution; enhancement of the breast. Augmentation surgery abroad means that the costs will be much cheaper than in the UK ensuring the standards of augmentation surgery are just as high as in the UK.

Affordable breast lift surgery abroad

Modern aesthetic medicine abroad offers breast lift surgery to improve the appearance of saggy breasts, for those who aren’t satisfied, caused by gravity and age, also breastfeeding and/or weight loss. Breast lift surgery abroad or Mastopexy is a breast modelling procedure that is performed to improve the shape, position and firmness of breasts. Breast lift surgery abroad can be performed as a single procedure – when the breasts are full but saggy, or in combination with augmentation surgery; if the breasts are saggy and without volume. Breast lift operation removes the excess saggy skin around the breasts or nipple. Breast lift surgery abroad can also be combined with the reduction of areolae for a nicer aesthetic outcome. Breast lift surgery abroad is much cheaper than in the UK ensuring the standards of breast lift surgery are just as high as in the UK.

Jump the NHS waiting list by choosing refunded treatment abroad.

If you have are on the waiting list for breast surgery, your entitled for NHS funded private treatment abroad. Sometimes operations are postponed by the NHS. If this happens due to non-clinical reasons, you should be offered another date within 28 days. These rights may not be applied if your operation is cancelled before your admission date. If the NHS cancellation means you are waiting for longer, you can ask the NHS to allow you to travel abroad and receive NHS refunded treatment. In order to access this option, you will need to contact us and we will be able to get you NHS permission to travel abroad and receive NHS refunded treatment. This process usually takes between 4-6 weeks.

Waiting times to confirm diagnose can be longer than 18 weeks. We can arrange your pre-surgery consultation in the UK or a one or two day trip to one of our partner clinics, where you will get the necessary diagnostic and consultation and possible treatment plan. This information will be used to receive NHS permission to travel abroad for NHS refunded treatment.

claim refund for treatment abroad