Endoscopic disc herniation surgery in Madrid for the UK patients

Spinal stenosis decompression surgery abroad for the NHS patientsThe Neurosurgery Unit of the Ruber Juan Bravo Hospital offers world-leading spinal neurosurgery treatment in Madrid. The procedures are available to patients living in the UK. Due to the pandemic situation in the UK, almost all UK NHS hospitals are behind schedule and many surgeries have been delayed or postponed. In addition, other medical services such as visits to specialists and scans, X-rays or MRIs are under pressure and, in many cases, are not available. The NHS also asks many patients to undergo physical therapy or a lifestyle change before referring them to a specialist for an examination. Endoscopic herniated disc surgery in Madrid is available to patients from around the world and from the UK.

Recently, the NHS has asked many patients to wait an additional 6 to 12 months, in addition to the existing delays in treatment. A second lockdown in the UK has further increased waiting times within the NHS, there are now large numbers of patients waiting for consultation and far fewer receiving the treatment they need. In September 2021, the number of people awaiting hospital treatment in England reached a record 5.61 million, as the NHS struggles to eliminate the growing backlog. In March 2020 complacent before the lockdown waiting list was 1.4 million and the waiting list is now growing in size by around 150,000 a month. As a private patient in England, you will still be asked to wait a while as private hospitals / companies have a formal agreement with the UK government to offer their facilities, to support with COVID-19, as needed by the government as a priority.

Treatment and procedure

Lumbar disc herniation is one of the most common causes of low back pain and can be accompanied by numbness, weakness, tingling, and radiating pain in the legs. Most patients with radiculopathy secondary to a lumbar disc herniation can be successfully treated with nonsurgical treatment that includes physical therapy, home exercise, counseling, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. There are surgical indications, as well as techniques appropriate to the characteristics of each patient and the pathologies presented. Therefore, medical advice is important to define which surgery each patient is a candidate for, one of them is endoscopic surgery to mention other minimally invasive modalities (MIS, TS, Mini Open, Combined); as well as the classical, and in expert hands even curative, open technique.

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The procedure is compared to other approaches that are less damaging to the tissues and the anatomy necessary to manipulate to reach the operative site, as well as a type of procedure with faster postoperative recovery. Postoperative success goes hand in hand with the surgeon’s experience, the technology that supports the surgical act, and the postoperative care by the patient. The Neurosurgery Unit of the Ruber Juan Bravo Hospital has been performing this technique for more than 6 years with magnificent results.

What are the risks?

Depending on the general physical condition, it is important to assess the anesthetic risks, these surgeries are carried out under general anesthesia.

Surgical risks also depend on the intensity of the pathology and are increased when it is a multilevel pathology. In any case, they are highly calculated risks, and in most cases foreseeable. Finally, these are stipulated after evaluating all the diagnostic tests that the patient can provide.


Traditionally, surgical procedures carried out with minimally invasive techniques are characterized by a rapid postoperative recovery. The initial recovery period allows, in most cases, to plan an early discharge from the hospital, considering that the foreign patient must return to their country of origin quite recovered. The final recovery is made in the country of origin, always monitored online by our team. The patient operated on by any technique in our unit always has our advice.

Specialists in Madrid

It should be noted that one of the best spine specialists working at Ruber Juan Bravo is Dr. Hugo Santos Benítez, who specializes in treating the spine with various techniques, the most advanced in today’s surgical field. He is a reputed specialist in Neurosurgery, with more than 30 years of experience. Dr. Santos is the Coordinator and Head of the Brain and Spinal Neurosurgery Unit of the prestigious Ruber Juan Bravo Hospital in Madrid. A national and international benchmark and pioneer in the use of techniques such as endoscopic surgery, vertebroplasty and arthroplasty, both lumbar and cervical.


Advantages of having surgery in Madrid

In addition to having excellent professionals, we have first-rate technology intraoperative support tools comparable to any hospital in the European Union (O arm, intraoperative CT, mapping and intraoperative image-guided surgeries).

Who are Quirónsalud hospitals in Spain?

Quirónsalud is the largest hospital group in Spain. Following a merger with the German company, Fresenius-Helios, are now the largest hospital group in Europe. Quirónsalud covers all medical specialities, it has earned national and international prestige for its work. Diagnosing and treating cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurological illnesses, as well as orthopaedic, ophthalmologic, paediatric and gynaecological conditions are only some medical services you can receive at Quirónsalud. Furthermore, the network has over 125 care centres, of which 54 are general hospitals and 7 are university hospitals. The group counts with hospitals in popular locations like Madrid, BarcelonaA Coruna, SevillaMalagaMarbellaMurciaTenerifeTorrevieja and  Valencia. Internationally, they have centres in Dubai, Lisbon, Peru and Medellín (Colombia).


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